Tag Archives: sex

highway hedonism

Let me take you for a spin, you oil my hinges honey
I get a buzz on the slip road
pull up in a lay-by, connect you to my hard drive
she’s a viral firewall breaker
stiletto dances the accelerator


Filed under daily, Fun, Poetry, Travel

upon your shores

I keep searching in your eyes alas it’s not you

a brief glimpse of surprise and that’s nothing new

well this armada must go on and out to sea we sail

these havens shall be invaded a victory speech I hail

falsify a document so watertight in stone

crumpled to a wretched husk a barren totem pole

watch me swim and dive and struggle to find air

one day we’ll note the date and time when we surfaced there

one day I’ll laugh and joke that parallel lives can meet

only when you rock the boat cause the waters to breach

only when you’ve bailed out just enough to float

the beach receives the jetsam and flotsam from a battered boat

and the thin man in rags picks the bones of the wreck

talking to himself and themselves

in a tongue only we understand and upon whose shores we would tread

he shakes his head and walks away

the seagulls cry mockingly over the moonlit bay


Filed under Philosophy, Poetry, Travel

Come alive!



Late morning left asunder

room filled with golden wonder

it’s our time to come alive


Turn over roll in clover

Our melt will soon be over

Feel the buzz inside your hive


and I’m sure that we’ve sprinkled the seeds of spring

got an inkling this movement might change everything








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Filed under love, Poetry