Tag Archives: namaste

Namaste on Halloween

Darkness has cast its blanket over us
now what may come to pass
some may cling to crucifix
others drown a glass
feel a shiver in the air
check you’ve turned the key
rattled by the gust of wind
wisp ‘o spirits free

your reasons seemed so rational
amongst your learned friends
your logic stood strong fortress-like
against this craziness
yet behind your back you’ll chance a glance
for what could linger there
you’ll question mostly shivers felt
a twitching of the hair

tonight’s a folly olden times
have never put to bed
it’s for the kids or those who fear
a waking of the dead

I bow to you and yours and mine
salute all whom have left
you’re not forgotten tonight proclaims
despite our jolly jests

for inside every living heart
resides a deep respect
as we’ll be freed too eventually
to join this hallowed fest

on the other side we’ll meet at last
no war nor hate no cash nor caste
no black or white nor riches vast
just love and peace just sweet namaste…

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